MelSpectrogram compute spectrogram error
I'm receiving an error when trying to create a MelSpectrogram using the from_wav method. On the spec_color_map branch.
Using the bare minimum parameters I am receiving the following error:
spec = MelSpectrogram.from_wav(knock_filepath, window=0.256, step=0.032)
~/Meridian/ketos/ketos/audio/ in from_wav(cls, path, window, step, channel, rate, window_func, num_filters, num_ceps, cep_lifter, offset, duration, resample_method, id) 1287 1288 # compute spectrogram -> 1289 cls(audio=audio, seg_args=seg_args, window_func=window_func) 1290 1291 return spec
TypeError: init() missing 5 required positional arguments: 'data', 'filter_banks', 'time_res', 'freq_min', and 'freq_max'
I might also add that the doctest for the MelSpctrogram Class is wrong. It is using MagSpectrogram.
Do you have some idea what the issue is here? @fsfrazao @kirsebom