kadlu.load function reads gebco bathymetry values from geotiff file instead of netcdf
Running the following block of code in the interp_tutorial,
bathy, lat, lon = kadlu.load(
var='bathymetry', source='gebco',
south=47, west=-63,
north=49, east=-61
I get the following ouput
2020-09-12 12:14:22 GEBCO BATHYMETRY scanning gebco_2020_n90.0_s0.0_w-90.0_e0.0.tif for new data...
2020-09-12 12:15:14 GEBCO BATHYMETRY logged 230400 records in region {"south": "46", "west": "-64", "north": "48", "east": "-62"}
2020-09-12 12:15:15 GEBCO BATHYMETRY scanning gebco_2020_n90.0_s0.0_w-90.0_e0.0.tif for new data...
2020-09-12 12:16:06 GEBCO BATHYMETRY logged 230400 records in region {"south": "48", "west": "-64", "north": "50", "east": "-62"}
2020-09-12 12:16:08 GEBCO BATHYMETRY scanning gebco_2020_n90.0_s0.0_w-90.0_e0.0.tif for new data...
2020-09-12 12:17:02 GEBCO BATHYMETRY logged 230400 records in region {"south": "46", "west": "-62", "north": "48", "east": "-60"}
2020-09-12 12:17:03 GEBCO BATHYMETRY scanning gebco_2020_n90.0_s0.0_w-90.0_e0.0.tif for new data...
2020-09-12 12:17:56 GEBCO BATHYMETRY logged 230400 records in region {"south": "48", "west": "-62", "north": "50", "east": "-60"}
Suggesting that the kadlu.load function still uses the geotiff format as opposed to the netcdf format.
@matt_s , your thoughts?
To upload designs, you'll need to enable LFS and have an admin enable hashed storage. More information