Kadlu.load does not recognize capital letters
kadlu.plot2D(var='waveheight', source='WWIII', **kwargs)
KeyError: "could not find source for variable. valid vars and sources: [['temperature', 'hycom'], ['salinity', 'hycom'], ['water', 'uv', 'hycom'], ['water', 'u', 'hycom'], ['water', 'v', 'hycom'], ['wavedir', 'era5'], ['wavedirection', 'era5'], ['waveheight', 'era5'], ['waveperiod', 'era5'], ['wind', 'uv', 'era5'], ['wind', 'u', 'era5'], ['wind', 'v', 'era5'], ['precipitation', 'era5'], ['snowfall', 'era5'], ['flux', 'ocean', 'era5'], ['flux', 'waves', 'era5'], ['stress', 'ocean', 'era5'], ['wavedir', 'wwiii'], ['wavedirection', 'wwiii'], ['waveheight', 'wwiii'], ['waveperiod', 'wwiii'], ['wind', 'uv', 'wwiii'], ['wind', 'u', 'wwiii'], ['wind', 'v', 'wwiii'], ['bathymetry', 'gebco']]"
kadlu.plot2D(var='waveheight', source='wwiii', **kwargs)
C:\Users\s2380\anaconda3\envs\kadlu_env\lib\site-packages\kadlu\geospatial\data_sources\data_util.py:63: UserWarning: storage location not configured. storage location will be set to C:\Users\s2380\kadlu_data
warnings.warn(f'{msg} storage location will be set to {storage_location}')
2021-05-08 02:18:06 WWIII 2015-08-18 hs: downloading multi_1.glo_30m.hs.201508.grb2 from NOAA WaveWatch III...
2021-05-08 02:19:15 WWIII HS logged 1108212 points in region {"west": "-180", "east": "0", "south": "0", "north": "90", "top": "0", "bottom": "5000", "start": "2015-08-18 00:00:00", "end": "2015-08-19 00:00:00"}
2021-05-08 02:19:48 WWIII HS logged 1108504 points in region {"west": "-180", "east": "0", "south": "0", "north": "90", "top": "0", "bottom": "5000", "start": "2015-08-19 00:00:00", "end": "2015-08-20 00:00:00"}