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This contains the iso19139.MERIDIAN plugin for GeoNetwork 3.4. Refer to for further details.

To be used in GeoNetwork, a schema directory can be manually placed in the schema_plugins sub directory of the GeoNetwork data directory. 
For some schema an additional JAR file should be added to the WEB-INF/lib folder. 
The default GeoNetwork data directory location is INSTALL_DIR/web/geonetwork/WEB-INF/data"
Once created, you need to register your new plugin in the build of the application. To do this:

Add the plugin as a module of the schemas module (see source file schemas/pom.xml):


Register the plugin in the webapp in the copy-schemas execution (see source file web/pom.xml):


Optionally register the dependency if you plugin implement custom Java (see source file web/pom.xml):


This plugin is heavily based on the core iso19139 plugin, the core Dublin Core plugin, and the external Marine Community Profile plugin. It also makes use of information from the Darwin Core XML schemas and the SeaDataNet plugin.

This plugin is effectively an implementation of ISO 19139-2 / ISO 19115-2. Thus, the root metadata element is gmi:MI_Metadata. Otherwise, it can be used identically to iso19139. To incorporate Darwin Core elements, an extension to MD_DataIdentification in the custom MER namespace is used.