diff --git a/docs/source/modules/audio/audio_loader.rst b/docs/source/modules/audio/audio_loader.rst
index 17687f8fb1b933692969e716523e97dceb5e377f..735db7e6a64587e4e3f5fdaefb0fbc6262ab6751 100644
--- a/docs/source/modules/audio/audio_loader.rst
+++ b/docs/source/modules/audio/audio_loader.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+.. _audio_loader:
 Audio Loader
diff --git a/docs/source/modules/audio/index.rst b/docs/source/modules/audio/index.rst
index b95ed0b62d921c7d06b7e31864409e5c83470aba..4145768d83c044addf2c22a35025bced9936f346 100644
--- a/docs/source/modules/audio/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/modules/audio/index.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
 Audio Processing
+The audio modules provide high-level interfaces for loading and manipulating audio data 
+and computing various spectral representations such as magnitude spectrograms and CQT spectrograms. 
+For the implementation of these functionalities, we rely extensively on 
+`LibROSA <https://librosa.github.io/librosa/>`_ and `SoundFile <https://pysoundfile.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html>`_ .
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
@@ -11,3 +17,88 @@ Audio Processing
    Utilities <utils/index>
+The :class:`Waveform <ketos.audio.waveform.Waveform>` class provides a convenient interface for working with 
+audio time series. For example, the following command will load a segment of a wav file into memory:: 
+    >>> from ketos.audio.waveform import Waveform
+    >>> audio = Waveform.from_wav('sound.wav', offset=3.0, duration=6.0) #load 6-s long segment starting 3 s from the beginning of the audio file
+The Waveform object thus created stores the audio data as a Numpy array along with the filename, offset, and some additional attributes::
+    >>> type(audio.get_data())
+    <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
+    >>> audio.get_filename()
+    'sound.wav'
+    >>> audio.get_offset()
+    3.0
+    >>> audio.get_attrs()
+    {'rate': 1000, 'type': 'Waveform'}
+To Waveform class has a number of useful methods for manipulating audio data, e.g., adding Gaussian noise to 
+an audio segment (:meth:`add_gaussian_noise() <ketos.audio.waveform.Waveform.add_gaussian_noise>`), or splitting an audio segment 
+into several shorter segments (:meth:`segment() <ketos.audio.waveform.Waveform.segment>`). Please consult the documentation of the 
+:ref:`waveform` module for the complete list.
+Four different types of spectrograms have been implemented in ketos: :class:`magnitude spectrogram <ketos.audio.spectrogram.MagSpectrogram>`,
+:class:`power spectrogram <ketos.audio.spectrogram.PowSpectrogram>`, :class:`mel spectrogram <ketos.audio.spectrogram.MelSpectrogram>`, and
+:class:`CQT spectrogram <ketos.audio.spectrogram.CQTSpectrogram>`. These are all derived from the same 
+:class:`Spectrogram <ketos.audio.spectrogram.Spectrogram>` parent class, which in turn derives from the 
+:class:`BaseAudio <ketos.audio.base_audio.BaseAudio>` base class.
+The spectrogram classes provide interfaces for computing and manipulating spectral frequency presentations of audio data. 
+Like a waveform, a spectrogram object can also be created directly from a wav file:: 
+    >>> from ketos.audio.spectrogram import MagSpectrogram
+    >>> spec = MagSpectrogram.from_wav('sound.wav', window=0.2, step=0.01, offset=3.0, duration=6.0) #spectrogram of a 6-s long segment starting 3 s from the beginning of the audio file
+The MagSpectrogram object thus created stores the spectral representation of the audio data as a (masked) 2D Numpy array along with the 
+filename, offset, and some additional attributes::
+    >>> type(spec.get_data())
+    <class 'numpy.ma.core.MaskedArray'>
+    >>> audio.get_filename()
+    'sound.wav'
+    >>> spec.get_offset()
+    3.0
+    >>> spec.get_attrs()
+    {'time_res': 0.01, 'freq_min': 0.0, 'freq_res': 4.9504950495049505, 'window_func': 'hamming', 'type': 'MagSpectrogram'}
+The spectrogram classes have a number of useful methods for manipulating spectrograms, e.g., cropping in either the time or 
+frequency dimension or both (:meth:`crop() <ketos.audio.spectrogram.Spectrogram.crop>`), or recovering 
+the original waveform (:meth:`recover_waveform() <ketos.audio.spectrogram.MagSpectrogram.recover_waveform>`). 
+Note that annotations can be added to both waveform and spectrogram objects using the 
+:meth:`annotate() <ketos.audio.base_audio.BaseAudio.annotate>` method. For example,::
+    >>> spec.annotate(start=3.5, end=4.6, label=1)
+    >>> spec.get_annotations()
+       label  start  end  freq_min  freq_max
+    0      1    3.5  4.6       NaN       NaN
+See the documentation of the :ref:`spectrogram` module for the complete list.
+Loading Multiple Audio Segments
+The :class:`AudioSelectionLoader <ketos.audio.audio_loader.AudioSelectionLoader>` and 
+:class:`AudioFrameLoader <ketos.audio.audio_loader.AudioFrameLoader>` classes provide 
+convenient interfaces for loading a selection or sequence of audio segments into memory, 
+one at a time. For example,::
+    >>> from ketos.audio.audio_loader import AudioFrameLoader
+    >>> # specify the audio representation
+    >>> audio_repres = {'type':'MagSpectrogram', 'window':0.2, 'step':0.01}
+    >>> # create an object for loading 3-s long segments with a step size of 1.5 s (50% overlap) 
+    >>> loader = AudioFrameLoader(frame=3.0, step=1.5, filename='sound.wav', repres=audio_repres)
+    >>> # load the first two segments
+    >>> spec1 = next(loader)
+    >>> spec2 = next(loader)
+See the documentation of the :ref:`audio_loader` module for more examples and details.
diff --git a/docs/source/modules/audio/spectrogram.rst b/docs/source/modules/audio/spectrogram.rst
index 91b15851499a89f6db3cba4b66fe2a89f6b6c95d..54c6560bae05c8407c1b44addc7fdfc0f1f0efaa 100644
--- a/docs/source/modules/audio/spectrogram.rst
+++ b/docs/source/modules/audio/spectrogram.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+.. _spectrogram:
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index 09bb9d80b63ecae6174a00fe28e40e8c5c7d0c4e..af2b5e7278391fa569460a156f46d5971c435cf2 100644
--- a/docs/source/modules/audio/waveform.rst
+++ b/docs/source/modules/audio/waveform.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+.. _waveform:
diff --git a/docs/source/modules/data_handling/database_interface.rst b/docs/source/modules/data_handling/database_interface.rst
index 59fdf9f5190e40a98ea60c2a3b44c0defc8817c0..46456bce55bd467a83d004111a75c25f4433cd09 100644
--- a/docs/source/modules/data_handling/database_interface.rst
+++ b/docs/source/modules/data_handling/database_interface.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+.. _database_interface:
 Database Interface
diff --git a/docs/source/modules/data_handling/index.rst b/docs/source/modules/data_handling/index.rst
index 29095e311cf7913cdf654cb92c980f7a058206a2..cdbae96393e68a42c64ae60be682b9e226a868f9 100644
--- a/docs/source/modules/data_handling/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/modules/data_handling/index.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
 Data Handling
+The data handling modules provide high-level interfaces for storing audio samples in 
+databases along with relevant metadata and annotations, and for retrieving stored data 
+for efficient ingestion into neural networks.
+Ketos uses the `HDF5 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_Data_Format>`_ database 
+format, a file format designed to store and organize large amounts of data which is 
+widely used in scientific computing. 
+The data handling modules also provide high-level functionalities for working with
+annotation data and selection tables. 
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
@@ -9,3 +19,150 @@ Data Handling
+Annotation and Selection Tables 
+The :ref:`selection_table` module provides functions for manipulating annotation 
+tables and creating selection tables. The tables are saved in .csv format and 
+loaded into memory as `pandas DataFrames 
+A Ketos annotation table always has the column 'label'. 
+For call-level annotations, the table also contains the columns 'start' 
+and 'end', giving the start and end time of the call measured in seconds 
+since the beginning of the file. 
+The table may also contain the columns 'freq_min' and 'freq_max', giving the 
+minimum and maximum frequencies of the call in Hz, but this is not required.    
+The user may add any number of additional columns.
+Note that the table uses two levels of indices, the first index being the 
+filename and the second index an annotation identifier. 
+Here is a minimum example::
+                        label
+    filename  annot_id                    
+    file1.wav 0             2
+              1             1
+              2             2
+    file2.wav 0             2
+              1             2
+              2             1
+And here is a table with call-level annotations and a few extra columns::
+                         start   end  label  min_freq  max_freq        file_time_stamp
+    filename  annot_id                    
+    file1.wav 0           7.0    8.1      2     180.6     294.3    2019-02-24 13:15:00
+              1           8.5   12.5      1     174.2     258.7    2019-02-24 13:15:00
+              2          13.1   14.0      2     183.4     292.3    2019-02-24 13:15:00
+    file2.wav 0           2.2    3.1      2     148.8     286.6    2019-02-24 13:30:00
+              1           5.8    6.8      2     156.6     278.3    2019-02-24 13:30:00
+              2           9.0   13.0      1     178.2     304.5    2019-02-24 13:30:00
+Selection tables look similar to annotation tables, except that they are not 
+required to have 'label' column. Instead, they typically only have the columns 
+'start' and 'end', supplemented by a filename index and a selection index.
+When working with annotation tables, the first step is typically to standardize the 
+table format to match the format expected by Ketos. For example, given the annotation 
+    >>> import pandas as pd
+    >>> annot = pd.read_csv('annotations.csv')
+    >>> annot
+          source  start_time  stop_time       species           time_stamp
+    0  file1.wav         7.0        8.1      humpback  2019-02-24 13:15:00
+    1  file1.wav         8.5       12.5  killer whale  2019-02-24 13:15:00
+    2  file2.wav         2.2        3.1  killer whale  2019-02-24 13:30:00
+    3  file2.wav         5.8        6.8          boat  2019-02-24 13:30:00
+    4  file2.wav         9.0       13.0      humpback  2019-02-24 13:30:00
+we apply the :meth:`standardize() <ketos.data_handling.selection_table.standardize>` 
+method to obtain::
+    >>> from ketos.data_handling.selection_table import standardize
+    >>> annot_std, label_dict = standardize(annot, mapper={'source':'filename', 'start_time':'start', 'stop_time':'end', 'species':'label'}, return_label_dict=True)
+    >>> label_dict
+    {'boat': 1, 'humpback': 2, 'killer whale': 3}
+    >>> annot_std
+                        start   end  label           time_stamp
+    filename  annot_id                                         
+    file1.wav 0           7.0   8.1      2  2019-02-24 13:15:00
+              1           8.5  12.5      3  2019-02-24 13:15:00
+    file2.wav 0           2.2   3.1      3  2019-02-24 13:30:00
+              1           5.8   6.8      1  2019-02-24 13:30:00
+              2           9.0  13.0      2  2019-02-24 13:30:00
+Having transformed the annotation table to the standard Ketos format, we can now 
+use it to create a selection table. The :ref:`selection_table` module provides 
+a few methods for this task such as :meth:`select() <ketos.data_handling.selection_table.select>`, 
+:meth:`select_by_segmenting() <ketos.data_handling.selection_table.select_by_segmenting>`, and 
+:meth:`create_rndm_backgr_selections() <ketos.data_handling.selection_table.create_rndm_backgr_selections>`.
+Here, we will demonstrate a simple use case of the :meth:`select() <ketos.data_handling.selection_table.select>` method::
+    >>> from ketos.data_handling.selection_table import select
+    >>> st = select(df_std, length=6.0, center=True) #create 6-s wide selection windows, centered on each annotation
+    >>> st
+                      label           time_stamp  start    end
+    filename  sel_id                                          
+    file1.wav 0           2  2019-02-24 13:15:00   4.55  10.55
+              1           3  2019-02-24 13:15:00   7.50  13.50
+    file2.wav 0           3  2019-02-24 13:30:00  -0.35   5.65
+              1           1  2019-02-24 13:30:00   3.30   9.30
+              2           2  2019-02-24 13:30:00   8.00  14.00
+Based on this selection table, one can create a database of sound clips using 
+:meth:`create_database() <ketos.data_handling.database_interface.create_database>`, 
+as discussed below.
+The :ref:`selection_table` module provides several other useful methods, e.g., for querying 
+annotation tables. See the documentation of the :ref:`selection_table` module for more information.
+Database Interface
+The :ref:`database_interface` module provides high-level functions for managing audio data 
+stored in the `HDF5 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_Data_Format>`_ databases. 
+For the implementation of these functionalities, we rely extensively on the 
+`PyTables <https://www.pytables.org/index.html>`_ package.
+The :class:`AudioWriter <ketos.data_handling.database_interface.AudioWriter>` class provides a convenient 
+interface for saving Ketos audio objects such :class:`Waveform <ketos.audio.waveform.Waveform>` 
+or :class:`Spectrogram <ketos.audio.spectrogram.Spectrogram>` to a database,::
+    >>> from ketos.data_handling.database_interface import AudioWriter
+    >>> aw = AudioWriter('db.h5') #create an audio writer instance
+    >>> from ketos.audio.spectrogram import MagSpectrogram
+    >>> spec = MagSpectrogram.from_wav('sound.wav', window=0.2, step=0.01) #load a spectrogram
+    >>> aw.write(spec) #save the spectrogram to the database (by default, the spectrogram is stored under /audio)
+    >>> aw.close() #close the database file
+The spectrogram is saved along with relevant metadata such as the filename, 
+the window and step sizes used, etc. Any annotations associated with the spectrogram 
+are also saved.
+The spectrogram can be loaded back into memory as follows,::
+    >>> import ketos.data_handling.database_interface as dbi
+    >>> fil = dbi.open_file('db.h5', 'r')
+    >>> tbl = dbi.open_table(fil, '/audio')
+    >>> spec = load_audio(tbl)[0]
+The :ref:`database_interface` module provides several other useful methods, including 
+:meth:`create_database() <ketos.data_handling.database_interface.create_database>` 
+for creating a database of audio samples directly from a set of .wav files.
+See the documentation of the :ref:`database_interface` module for more information.
+Data Feeding
+The :class:`ketos.data_handling.data_feeding.BatchGenerator` class provides a high-level 
+interface for loading waveform and spectrogram objects stored in the Ketos HDF5 database 
+format and feeding them in batches to a machine learning model. 
+See the class documentation for more information.
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/docs/source/modules/data_handling/selection_table.rst
+++ b/docs/source/modules/data_handling/selection_table.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+.. _selection_table:
 Selection Table
diff --git a/docs/source/modules/index.rst b/docs/source/modules/index.rst
index 211a0ed710f79fd05b07bf8b8b81f6c2332abe26..2cedb71b11fb90dc74222112a96b83b5e5e4e26b 100644
--- a/docs/source/modules/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/modules/index.rst
@@ -6,4 +6,6 @@ ketos API
    Data Handling <data_handling/index>
    Audio Processing <audio/index>
    Neural networks <neural_networks/index>
-   Utilities <utils>
\ No newline at end of file
+   Utilities <utils>
diff --git a/docs/source/modules/wavfile.rst b/docs/source/modules/wavfile.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f0ab215d7599ba55a65015c08076e8de0f4cdee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/source/modules/wavfile.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-.. automodule:: ketos.external.wavfile
-   :members:
-   :undoc-members:
-   :show-inheritance:
diff --git a/ketos/audio/base_audio.py b/ketos/audio/base_audio.py
index fa5e763e26db53c2f6bbf676af1010e8a13af1de..a6d14f24702c5def7b712bbfac3fa71ef5eb230f 100644
--- a/ketos/audio/base_audio.py
+++ b/ketos/audio/base_audio.py
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ class BaseAudio():
     def annotate(self, **kwargs):
         """ Add an annotation or a collection of annotations.
-            Input arguments are described in :method:`audio.annotation.AnnotationHandler.add`
+            Input arguments are described in :meth:`ketos.audio.annotation.AnnotationHandler.add`
         if self.annot is None: #if the object does not have an annotation handler, create one!
             self.annot = AnnotationHandler() 
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ class BaseAudio():
         return d
-    def plot(self, id=0, figsize=(5,4)):
+    def plot(self, id=0, figsize=(5,4), label_in_title=True):
         """ Plot the data with proper axes ranges and labels.
             Optionally, also display annotations as boxes superimposed on the data.
@@ -572,6 +572,8 @@ class BaseAudio():
                     contains multiple, stacked data arrays.
                 figsize: tuple
                     Figure size
+                label_in_title: bool
+                    Include label (if available) in figure title
                 fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure
@@ -594,7 +596,7 @@ class BaseAudio():
         # title
         title = ""
         if filename is not None: title += "{0}".format(filename)       
-        if label is not None:
+        if label is not None and label_in_title:
             if len(title) > 0: title += ", "
             title += "{0}".format(label)
diff --git a/ketos/audio/spectrogram.py b/ketos/audio/spectrogram.py
index 4ff48a2d93f77e110b928c69170d9728ab0a8873..99f6938f20af2558bc2a32371f7e8f0b6848c021 100644
--- a/ketos/audio/spectrogram.py
+++ b/ketos/audio/spectrogram.py
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ class Spectrogram(BaseAudio):
         self.data = reduce_tonal_noise(self.data, method=method, time_const_len=time_const_len)
-    def plot(self, id=0, show_annot=False, figsize=(5,4)):
+    def plot(self, id=0, show_annot=False, figsize=(5,4), label_in_title=True):
         """ Plot the spectrogram with proper axes ranges and labels.
             Optionally, also display annotations as boxes superimposed on the spectrogram.
@@ -660,6 +660,8 @@ class Spectrogram(BaseAudio):
                     Display annotations
                 figsize: tuple
                     Figure size
+                label_in_title: bool
+                    Include label (if available) in figure title
                 fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure
@@ -680,7 +682,7 @@ class Spectrogram(BaseAudio):
                 .. image:: ../../../../ketos/tests/assets/tmp/spec_w_annot_box.png
-        fig, ax = super().plot(id, figsize)
+        fig, ax = super().plot(id, figsize, label_in_title)
         x = self.get_data(id) # select image data        
         extent = (0., self.duration(), self.freq_min(), self.freq_max()) # axes ranges        
@@ -1507,7 +1509,7 @@ class CQTSpectrogram(Spectrogram):
         return self.freq_ax.bins_per_oct
-    def plot(self, id=0, show_annot=False, figsize=(5,4)):
+    def plot(self, id=0, show_annot=False, figsize=(5,4), label_in_title=True):
         """ Plot the spectrogram with proper axes ranges and labels.
             Optionally, also display annotations as boxes superimposed on the spectrogram.
@@ -1521,12 +1523,16 @@ class CQTSpectrogram(Spectrogram):
                     contains multiple, stacked spectrograms.
                 show_annot: bool
                     Display annotations
+                figsize: tuple
+                    Figure size
+                label_in_title: bool
+                    Include label (if available) in figure title
                 fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure
                     A figure object.
-        fig = super().plot(id, show_annot, figsize)
+        fig = super().plot(id, show_annot, figsize, label_in_title)
         ticks, labels = self.freq_ax.ticks_and_labels()
         plt.yticks(ticks, labels)
         return fig
diff --git a/ketos/audio/waveform.py b/ketos/audio/waveform.py
index 90cad6cb139dca9b94c1383d4317fd4ec023da50..71d3df4a528b85975be20d37bc90da5d89091423 100644
--- a/ketos/audio/waveform.py
+++ b/ketos/audio/waveform.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #       along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.     #
 # ================================================================================ #
-""" audio module within the ketos library
+""" Waveform module within the ketos library
     This module provides utilities to work with audio data.
diff --git a/ketos/data_handling/selection_table.py b/ketos/data_handling/selection_table.py
index d0fa3169e16792585b9e66c350c9562c826b6d9f..48d5e140cc5e7d007affe0cdbf22bdf7a346fda8 100644
--- a/ketos/data_handling/selection_table.py
+++ b/ketos/data_handling/selection_table.py
@@ -28,9 +28,7 @@
     This module provides functions for handling annotation tables and creating 
     selection tables. 
-    A Ketos annotation table always uses two levels of indices, the first index 
-    being the filename and the second index an annotation identifier, and always 
-    has the column 'label'. 
+    A Ketos annotation table always has the column 'label'. 
     For call-level annotations, the table also contains the columns 'start' 
     and 'end', giving the start and end time of the call measured in seconds 
     since the beginning of the file.